[itl_section_title title=”BP International Trader” subtitle_text=”We are a company created with the objective of providing Commercial and Financial Advice and Assistance services for our clients.”]

We develop commercial channels for animal protein products (beef, pork, chicken) for exporters and importers around the world. Our main commercial channels are developed in South America, China, the United States, Europe and the Middle East. We provide short-term financing structures for exporters and importers.

We have more than 15 years of experience in the industry which makes our clients feel comfortable, since we are well known in the market. We work with the philosophy that we must fully understand the businesses of our customers and suppliers in order to better serve them. This not only includes understanding their businesses, but also the political, economic and cultural climate where our clients and suppliers are located, to give them tools with which to obtain benefits.

We firmly believe that if our clients succeed, we will succeed. If our suppliers are successful, we will too. This allows us to bridge the gap between producer, customer and end user. Developing trust between us and with whom we do business is the key to a successful partnership and to our ability to develop our business in the future.

We are confident that our best business practices as well as our contacts, experience and product knowledge will provide the highest standards of professionalism, efficiency and cost effectiveness.

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[itl_animated_counter counter_number=”885″ title_text=”Completed Projects”]
[itl_animated_counter counter_number=”990″ title_text=”Happy Clients”]
[itl_animated_counter counter_number=”75″ title_text=”Ongoing Projects”]
[itl_animated_counter counter_number=”345″ title_text=”Quote Delivery”]
[itl_section_title text_alignment=”text-center” title=”About Us” subtitle_text=”More than 30 years of experience working in the Beef Production and Quality Control of Beef and Pork.”]
[itl_team team_social=”%5B%5D” name=”Cynthia Contreras” designation=”Finance Manager” team_image=”400″]
[itl_team team_social=”%5B%7B%22social_icon%22%3A%22fa%20fa-linkedin%22%2C%22social_link%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Fin%2Fluis-maria-medina-8a6a762a%22%7D%5D” team_image=”427″ name=”Luis Maria Medina” designation=”CEO & CoFounder” description=”Veterinarian”]
[itl_team team_social=”%5B%5D” name=”Diego Thompson” designation=”Customer Service” team_image=”400″]